5 o'clock in the morning. A new discovery: Starbucks in Stockholm. Or was it a dream? (or a nightmare- says the political correct me). Sunrise. WHITE, fashionfair in Milan. Weird to be trown back like that to Italy, I haven't been there since may last year. People smoke too much, and the houses are grey from the bad air. In the showroom. Looks black & white. Meetings and discussions. More meetings at Park Hyatt. Good ones. It feels like I've been living in different taxis the last 3 weeks. Lorenzo & Pia!!! Some sleep after a looooooooong day. Spring in Milan. I'm personally used to less sunlight and more snow outside my window when I wake up. Got to read that one. Long time no see. Some hours later: Copenhagen. This one goes out to Pia. Another showroom. A lot of inspiration. Delayed flight. The wonderful end of 48 this 48-hour-trip.