I usually don't write about politic stuff (with that I mean my personal opinions about social things) because I don't care so much about it (& I don't write about fashion because I'm so incredibly tired of it). I'm average and I went to see the new Michael Moore movie ("Capitalism-a love story") the other night. Its crazy. Like Gandini's Videocrazy: Scary and Funny at the same time. I thought I was a capitalist, but after the movie I changed my mind. Please let Jesus & Obama save us all!...
November started in a perfect way (maybe because I didn't go to any Halloween Party yesterday night but at a nice/calm work/dinner in the suburbs): sunday brunch and a lot of newspapers. Then ART.
Theater-costumes by german-swedish illustrator MAGO (1925-2008). I love his childish spontaneous style and writings on the drawings. There was this old lady at the exhibition that started to talk to me. She told me that she made all the hats for the shows and she was a really good friend with Mago and also Bergman and she seemed so lonely in some way. Like the Last of the gang to die. The show is @ the Jewish Museum in Sthlm.