Home alone for the first time in 5 months. Before I liked it now I don't really enjoy it anymore. But it's OK. Tomorow I'll go down south to hang out with the old best buddy and her kid. Cozy.

The fall in Stockholm is incredibly beautiful.

I've been to millions of concerts since I was a kid and one of the best was Henry Rollins in Prague in 1997. Not because I'm a big fan of his music (I like it but it's not really close to my heart) but I became a big fan of Henry on the stage; energy & carisma. Now I got tickets for his spoken-word show in January. I never went to the presentation of Nick Caves new book last week (It think it was a little expensive and pretentious) so this will make up for that.

Mostly work. If I knew how it is running a company i probably would have studied economy or something similar and NOT design. Or maybe some kind of detective/investigation-school. The work is moving on and the collection of aw2010-11 slowly grows (with a little help from my friends).