I met up with
Ken, the artistic director of
Jaimz Deen's new video, at
Supercore at Bedford. Jaimz was stuck in Washington but I'll meet him on saturday. It was really inspiring talking to Ken about the project (I'm supposed to do the T-shirts for the video) and about life in general...growing up, relation to mothers, moving to New York etc. We found out that we had a lot in common even if we are from totally different parts of the world.

Moving on to
Chelsea Hotel and another inspiring meeting. This time with
Susanne in her beautiful apartement there in the hotel (I had no idea people were actually living there!) and I didn't know either that she is this kind of icon of the New York nightlife in the 80's and now opening a shop in her husband
David's new Victorian/Gothic gym in East Village. She will sell some of my designs and everybody seemed happy about that. I came out of there with a feeling that my brain just passed through a mixer;
so many impressions, so much inspiration, so much positive people around! And I also got on the list for her Fellini-inspired party on sunday night.
Can't wait!

I took some pictures in the apartement, it was really messy and full of interesting stuff:

Off to China Town and a small hard-to-find-gallery on East Broadway. Another event with a lot of rich well-dressed girls and desperate housewives and free drinks. I liked some of the art; black and white pictures and colorful Vuitton-bag-prints by Murakami.
I liked the rooftop better though...(RENTAL is proud to present DON'T PANIC! I'M SELLING MY COLLECTION, a group show of works drawn from the private collections of a number of leading art collectors. The exhibition features work by: Richard Prince, Takashi Murakami, George Congo, Ryan McGinness, Barnaby Furnas, Marilyn Minter, Hope Atherton, Mr. John Wesley, David Salle, Andy Warhol and Ingrid Calame.)

This girls shoes were just WOW!

...and ANOTHER opening not so far from there at
HALF GALLERY. Some artwork by the skater
Mark Gonzales. He was in the film
Gummo so
Harmony Korine was there (I didn't see him though), also
Chloè Sevigny (yes, I saw her and she loked exactly as gorgeous as you expect) and
Terry Richardson too...and young girls on skateboards.

Then we went to eat
noodle soups with some friends. A really long and nice day.